February Alumni of the Month – Tzu-Hsuan Peng

Name: Tzu-Hsuan Peng

Program: MSc

Graduated: 2021

Thesis: “Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility of Remotely Conducting Clinical Balance and Walking Assessments via Video-Conferencing Platforms for People Following Stroke”

How would you describe your research in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program?

My thesis topic and research interests pivoted because of the pandemic outbreak. We adapted traditional clinical assessments for people post-stroke to be conducted via Zoom. Participants were able to perform Timed Up and Go, Modified Functional Reach, and Sit to Stand tests in their homes. We then examined the reliability, validity, and feasibility of the modified tests to ensure that clinicians were delivering similar levels of clinical assessment. Besides my main thesis project, we explored physiotherapists’ perspectives and experiences of adapting and performing their clinical work during the pandemic. It is my pleasure to work with Dr. Courtney Pollock and Dr. Janice Eng to develop and answer clinical-driven research questions.

Where and what is your current position?

Currently, I am a Research Coordinator in the Rehab Research Program and the Centre for Aging SMART at Vancouver Coastal Health and UBC. My main focus right now is managing the local recruitment and data collection for CanStroke Recovery Trials, the world’s 1st clinical trials platform dedicated exclusively to stroke recovery. Because CanStroke reaches nationwide, it brings together leaders in multiple disciplines to test innovative treatment strategies, evaluate their impact, and transform the care of people who have suffered a stroke. Beyond the clinical research work, I also coordinated the 1st ever Interdisciplinary Conference in Rehabilitation Science of BC (INCREASE BC) in collaboration with the UBC Rehabilitation Science Executive Committee, UBC Division of Physical Medicine and Rehab, and GF Strong Rehab Centre; the 2nd INCREASE BC is this April 2024 and the theme is ‘Integrating artificial intelligence into rehabilitation’.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Outside work time, I love exploring the city and trying new things with my friends. I’ve been golfing, playing tennis, and hiking beautiful trails…snowboarding is next on my list!


Congratulations Tzu-Hsuan on being our featured Alumni of the Month for February!