RHSC and UBC Graduate Studies require a variety of forms to be completed throughout your degree to ensure the smooth administration of your academic experience.
For all form submissions via email, please ensure the subject line of your email includes:
- Degree, Full name, Student number | Item of submission
Ex. SUBJECT LINE: MSc Jane Smith, 12345678 | Thesis Proposal Form
All Graduate Student Forms
The following forms are organized from start to finish, and reflect forms that should be done before starting your degree, to forms that are completed on an as-need basis throughout your program. These are applicable for both MSc, PhD, and MPT/PhD students.
The RHSC Handbook is meant to serve as the guide for your time in the program. Please refer to this document for all academic and program requirements. Please also refer to this website (and this Student Forms & Resources page.
Download: RHSC Graduate Student Handbook
This form outlines all the required certificates and task items students must complete before beginning their graduate degree at UBC.
Who: MSc, PhD, MPT/PhD students
Deadline: Before the start of your degree. Exact deadline will be specified by the RHSC Program Assistant via email; generally, will be in August for September cohorts, and December for January cohorts.
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC New Student Checklist
This form aims to ensure expectations regarding your: academic progress, publications/presentations, professional development, and working relationship with your supervisor are clearly defined prior to starting your degree. It is important to do this collaboratively with your supervisor and should be prioritized.
Who: MSc, PhD, MPT/PhD students + Supervisor
Deadline: Any time before the start of your degree.
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC Student-Supervisor Expectations Form
For further information about Graduate Student and Supervisor responsibilities, please visit the following pages:
This course involves independent study of a project related to rehabilitation sciences which is consistent and supportive of the educational and professional goals of the graduate student. The contract is an agreement between the student and directed studies supervisor.
Who: Students enrolled in RHSC 504
Deadline: One week after the term begins
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC 504 Directed Studies Contract
This form is used to track each student’s annual progress throughout their degree. This form will be approved by both the student’s supervisor and the program director after it's submitted. If sections are incomplete or require elaboration, you will be asked to fill out the form again, so please set aside time to complete it thoroughly!
Who: MSc, PhD, MPT/PhD students + reviewed by Supervisor + reviewed by Program Director
Deadline: March 31; annually until degree completion
Submit to: Please submit form to rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca once you and your supervisor have completed your sections. Once completed, Progress Reports will receive final approval from the Program Director.
Complete: RHSC Annual Student Progress Report
Note: This form is separate from the UBC G+PS Annual Progress Report for Fellowship Holders. If you are a fellowship holder, you only need to complete the G+PS Annual Progress Report for Fellowship Holders. Once completed, please submit to rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca.
This form is your opportunity to evaluate your experience with your supervisor and share both positive and constructive feedback. Answers are anonymous. Please note that supervisor evaluations are important for faculty. Results from evaluations are often used as merits for career progression and promotion; students are asked to prioritize the completion of these evaluations.
Who: MSc., PhD, MPT/PhD students
Deadline: March 31; annually until degree completion
Submit to: Complete online via UBC Qualtrics.
Complete: RHSC Supervisor Evaluation Form
Master’s Student Forms
The following forms are organized generally from start to finish for a Master's student.
This timeline is a general overview of a Master's students requirements over a period of two years. Please note that your personal timeline is subject to change based on circumstance. If you have any questions, please review this timeline with your Supervisor.
Download: RHSC MSc Student Timeline
This form informs the RHSC Program Assistant of your Supervisory Committee.
Who: MSc Students
Deadline: Within 1 week of determining your Supervisory Committee
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC Supervisory Committee Form
For further information regarding Forming your Supervisory Committee, please visit the following page:
- UBC G+PS: Supervision
- UBC G+PS: The Supervisory Committee
- UBC G+PS: Non-Members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as Supervisory Committee Members
This form informs the RHSC Program Assistant of your Thesis Proposal and Thesis Defence dates. It also acts as an invitation to the rest of the department to attend your proposal or defence if they so choose. Students will complete this form twice, once for their proposal and once for their defence.
Who: MSc Students
Deadline: 2-3 weeks prior to your Thesis Proposal date. 2-3 weeks prior to your Thesis Defence date
Download: RHSC Thesis Abstract Form (Proposal and Defence)
This form is to be completed after your Thesis Proposal Defence and notifies the RHSC Program Assistant of the status of your Thesis Proposal.
The supervisor also sends the proposal exam completion memo document to the supervisory committee members.
Who: MSc Students
Deadline: up to 1 week after your Thesis Proposal Defence
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC MSc Proposal Exam Memo
This form is completed once you are ready to submit your Final Thesis (after a successful thesis defence). A student's examination committee must sign this form to confirm that the thesis is ready for final submission.
Who: MSc Students
Deadline: when your thesis is ready for final submission
Special Notes: This form is not complete until your Supervisory Committee has been entered in to SISC. This can only be done by the RHSC Program Assistant. Please ensure that you've given the Program Assistant enough time to complete this. See: RHSC Supervisory Committee Form
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca for Graduate Advisor/RHSC Director signature. Final submission to UBC G+PS.
Download: G+PS Master's Thesis Approval
For more information regarding your Thesis Final Submission, please visit the following page:
This form must be completed and submitted with your final, post-defence thesis.
Who: MSc Students
Deadline: When your thesis is ready for final submission
Special Note: This form should be submitted with the G+PS Master's Thesis Approval form. See above.
Submit to: UBC G+PS at graduate.thesis@ubc.ca
Download: G+PS Thesis / Dissertation Submission Cover Sheet
For more information regarding your Thesis Final Submission, please visit the following page:
This form is to be completed as your final thesis is in submission, and prior to your last day or graduation from the program (whichever comes first).
Who: MSc Students
Deadline: Prior to your last day in the program or Graduation; whichever comes first.
Special Notes: This form will be accompanied by a 30 minute in-person or Zoom interview with the RHSC Program Director. This is meant to be an informal conversation to gain a fuller understanding of your experience in the program.
Submit to: Complete online via UBC Qualtrics.
Complete: RHSC Student Exit Survey
Doctoral (PhD & MPT/PhD) Student Forms
The following forms are organized generally from start to finish for a Doctoral (PhD or MPT/PhD) student.
This timeline is a general overview of a Doctoral student's requirements over a period of five to six years. Please note that your personal timeline is subject to change based on circumstance. If you have any questions, please review this timeline with your Supervisor.
Download: RHSC Doctoral Timeline and Required Forms
This form informs the RHSC Program Assistant of your Supervisory Committee.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: Within 1 week of determining your Supervisory Committee
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC Supervisory Committee Form
Special Note for PhD Students: If anyone on your Supervisory Committee is not a UBC G+PS Member, they will need to be nominated to your Supervisory Committee by RHSC as a 'Non-G+PS Member'. This can be done by completing the following steps:
- Complete the UBC G+PS 'Recommendation for Non-G+PS Member to Join Supervisory Committee' Form
- Obtain the Nominee's current CV (PDF file)
- Obtain a statement from the Nominee assenting to serve on your committee and accepting committee membership responsibilities
- Obtain a memo from your supervisor indicating the particular qualifications that make the nominee suitable for your committee.
Submit form and supporting documentation to rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca who will submit to Faculty of Medicine for approval, and then to Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies for final approval.
For further information regarding Forming your Supervisory Committee, please visit the following page:
- UBC G+PS: Supervision
- UBC G+PS: The Supervisory Committee
- UBC G+PS: Non-Members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as Supervisory Committee Members
This form must be filled by supervisor, outlining the topics that have been decided upon, and specific parameters of the exam, for vetting by the program chair.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: Prior to Comprehensive Exam.
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC PhD Comprehensive Exam Approval Memo
This form informs the RHSC Program Assistant of the completion of your Comprehensive Exam.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: Within 1 week of completing your Comprehensive Exam (whether passed or not)
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC PhD Comprehensive Exam Completion Memo
This form informs the RHSC Program Assistant of your Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Defence dates. It also acts as an invitation to the rest of the department to attend your proposal or defence if they so choose. Students will complete this form twice, once for their proposal and once for their defence.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: 2-3 weeks prior to your Dissertation Proposal date. 2-3 weeks prior to your Dissertation Defence date
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC Thesis Abstract Form (Proposal and Defence)
This form is to be completed after your Dissertation Proposal Defence and notifies the RHSC Program Assistant of the status of your Dissertation Proposal.
The supervisor also sends the proposal exam completion memo document to the supervisory committee members.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: up to 1 week after your Dissertation Proposal Defence
Submit to: rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca
Download: RHSC PhD Dissertation Proposal Defence Memo
Doctoral students must advance to candidacy within 36 months from start date or they may be withdrawn. Complete and submit this form once you have met candidacy requirements.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: Before your 36th month as a PhD or MPT/PhD student
Submit to: Send it to rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca first for signatures. The final form will be sent to UBC G+PS.
Download: UBC G+PS Recommendation for Advancement to Candidacy Form
Special Note: This form cannot be completed without submitting and approving your Supervisory Committee in SISC. Only the RHSC Program Assistant can do this. Please ensure you complete this prior to completing your Advancement to Candidacy Forms.
This form is required to nominate potential external examiners for a doctoral examination. Nominees should not be contacted prior to submitting this form to G+PS.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: 8 weeks prior to the intended date of submission of the dissertation for external examination.
Submit to: RHSC at rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca for signatures first before sending to G+PS at graduate.doctoral@ubc.ca
Download: G+PS Nominations for External Examiner (Doctoral Dissertation) Form
For more information regarding your Final Doctoral Examination, please visit the following page:
This form is to be completed as confirmation that the Supervisory Committee Members have approved the dissertation for submission to the External Examiner.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: 2-3 weeks prior to the anticipated Final Doctoral Examination, after an external examiner has been approved.
Submit to: RHSC at rehab.gradprogram@ubc.ca for signatures first before sending to G+PS at graduate.doctoral@ubc.ca
Download: G+PS Graduate Program Approval of Doctoral Dissertation for External Examination Form
For more information regarding your Final Doctoral Examination, please visit the following page:
The Final Doctoral Examination is the culmination of your years of research and writing. It is one of the last steps towards the conferral of your doctoral degree. The Final Doctoral Exam at UBC has two stages: the External Examination and the Final Oral Defence.
The best and most detailed guide for this process can be found at the following page. It is highly recommended you follow the step by step process outlined in the left-hand navigation bar if you are viewing it on a desktop or laptop device.
This form is completed once you are ready to submit your Final Dissertation (after a successful dissertation defence). A student's examination committee must sign this form to confirm that the dissertation is ready for final submission.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: Candidates have around one (1) calendar month from the date of the oral defence to complete any required revision and submit the final version of the dissertation and all required forms, including this one.
Submit to: UBC G+PS at graduate.thesis@ubc.ca
Download: G+PS Doctoral Dissertation Approval
For more information regarding your Dissertation Final Submission, please visit the following page:
This form must be completed and submitted with your final, post-defence dissertation.
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: When your thesis is ready for final submission
Special Note: This form should be submitted with the G+PS Doctoral Dissertation Approval form. See above.
Submit to: UBC G+PS at graduate.thesis@ubc.ca
Download: G+PS Thesis / Dissertation Submission Cover Sheet
For more information regarding your Dissertation Final Submission, please visit the following page:
This form is to be completed as your final thesis is in submission, and prior to your last day or graduation from the program (whichever comes first).
Who: PhD and MPT/PhD Students
Deadline: Prior to your last day in the program or Graduation; whichever comes first.
Special Notes: This form will be accompanied by a 30 minute in-person or Zoom interview with the RHSC Program Director. This is meant to be an informal conversation to gain a fuller understanding of your experience in the program.
Submit to: Complete online via UBC Qualtrics.
Complete: RHSC Student Exit Survey