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Dr Pat Camp takes part in 5-Year NIH Grant, TB PuRe

Dr Pat Camp takes part in 5-Year NIH Grant, TB PuRe

Dr. Pat Camp is an investigator on a recently awarded $3,400,000 5-year NIH grant entitled TB PuRe. Despite successful treatment, tuberculosis is associated with chronic lung impairment, severe respiratory symptoms, and poor physical function. This study will assess the effectiveness, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness of a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program for preventing post-tuberculosis respiratory morbidity in […]

Dr. Janice Eng is testing a ‘smart glove’ that can boost hand mobility of stroke patients

  Dr Janice Eng is testing how a groundbreaking “smart glove” developed at UBC can improve stroke patient rehabilitation and ultimately restore the use of their limbs and hands. Learn more here.

Dr. Jackie Whittaker Receives Arthritis Society Canada Strategic Operating Grant

Congratulations to Dr. Jackie Whittaker’s team for securing a 3-year Arthritis Society Canada Strategic Operating Grant for the project ‘Self-managing knee health in young people at high-risk of early-onset osteoarthritis: The MyKnee randomized controlled trial’. The Strategic Operating Grant (SOG) program provides funding to support research proposals aligned with Arthritis Society Canada’s priorities. Learn more […]

Friedman Award for Scholars in Health

The Friedman Award for Scholars in Health is open to any UBC graduate student or medical resident studying in the area of health. ‘Health’ is interpreted very broadly, and includes health promotion and disease prevention, mental health research, laboratory sciences related to medicine or health, public health, health services research, or any area intended to impact human […]

Upcoming Award Competitions: CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation, Governor General’s Gold Medal, Friedman Award for Scholars in Health

Upcoming Award Competitions: CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation, Governor General’s Gold Medal, Friedman Award for Scholars in Health

The CAGS-ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award recognizes Canadian doctoral dissertations that make unusually significant and original contributions to their academic field. They were established in 1994 and are presented annually by the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS), with sponsorship support provided by ProQuest. For more information, see CAGS-ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award The Governor General’s Gold […]

SSHRC Talent Award

SSHRC Talent Award The SSHRC Talent Award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual who, on April 1, 2024, holds a SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship. The Talent Award ($50,000 value) is given to an individual who maintains academic excellence, has a talent for research and knowledge mobilization, and has demonstrated clear potential to […]

RHSC Faculty Recipients of the Michael Smith Health awards

RHSC Faculty Recipients of the Michael Smith Health awards

Congratulations to our Rehabilitation Sciences faculty who received new funding from Michael Smith Health Research BC through the 2023 Convening & Collaborating (C2) (Dr. Taru Manyanga and Dr. Jill Zwicker) and Reach programs (Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Dr. Janice Eng, and Dr. Stephanie Glegg). These funding programs enable health researchers to foster collaboration, disseminate and implement […]

January Student of the Month – Isabelle Rash

January Student of the Month – Isabelle Rash

Name: Isabelle Rash Program: PhD Supervisor: Dr. Brodie Sakakibara & Dr. Bill Miller   Tell us a little bit about your lab!  I am part of two research labs. One is with Brodie Sakakibara as part of the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management in Kelowna, and one is with Bill Miller (Matters Lab) […]

January Alumni of the Month – Sara Izadi

January Alumni of the Month – Sara Izadi

Name: Sara Izadi Program: PhD Graduated: 2021 Thesis: “Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance: Effects on Brain Structure/Function and Motor Outcomes in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder”   How would you describe your research in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program? At UBC, I was responsible for collecting and analyzing diverse datasets, including MRI data, motor […]