September Alumni of the Month: Chris Napier

Name: Chris Napier

Program: PhD

Graduated: 2018

Thesis: “Gait retraining for reducing biomechanical injury risk factors in novice recreational runners.”

How would you describe your research in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program?

My research was clinically driven, aiming to reduce the inordinately high injury risk among novice recreational runners by implementing a gait retraining program. My supervisor was Dr. Michael Hunt.

Where and what is your current position?

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology at Simon Fraser University and Director of the SFU Run Lab. I also continue to practice clinically as a sport physiotherapist at Restore Physiotherapy in downtown Vancouver and with Athletics Canada.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Unsurprisingly, I like to run, with a focus on training for marathons. I also love to spend time in the outdoors with my wife and two daughters skiing, kayaking, hiking, surfing, or fishing.

Congratulations Chris on being our featured Alumni of the Month for September!