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September Student of the Month: Gillian Smith

September Student of the Month: Gillian Smith

Name: Gillian Smith Program: MSc Supervisor: Dr. Kristin Campbell Tell us a little bit about your lab!  I am in Dr. Kristin Campbell’s Clinical Exercise Physiology Lab which focuses on how exercise can support people living with and beyond cancer. Our research aims to understand the role of exercise during and after treatment for cancer […]

September Alumni of the Month: Chris Napier

September Alumni of the Month: Chris Napier

Name: Chris Napier Program: PhD Graduated: 2018 Thesis: “Gait retraining for reducing biomechanical injury risk factors in novice recreational runners.” How would you describe your research in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program? My research was clinically driven, aiming to reduce the inordinately high injury risk among novice recreational runners by implementing a gait retraining program. […]