April Student of the Month: Xiaoxu Ding

Name: Xiaoxu Ding

Program: PhD

Supervisor: Dr. Skye Barbic

Tell us a little bit about your lab!

I work with a group of health scientists at Foundry, a province-wide network of integrated health and wellness services for young people ages 12-24. Our goal is to support young people living a good life. We believe young people should have a voice in their care and that finding the right support shouldn’t be difficult.

What project are you currently working on?

My current research focuses on mHealth, which is providing care via mobile devices and online platforms. I am interested in learning how to appropriately incorporate technology and healthcare services to improve the quality and accessibility of remote care to groups in need.

What do you like to do outside of academia?

I am not a huge fan of exercising, but I spend a lot of time going to sports events, traditional ones and esports. After moving to Vancouver, I discovered more nature-oriented activities like going back and forth on Capilano Bridge or hiking around a random lake in the forest.


Congratulations Xiaoxu on being our featured Student of the Month for April! Interested in seeing what else our Rehabilitation Sciences students and trainees are working on? Stay tuned for our next feature!