Congratulations to Janna Griffioen for being awarded the Dorothy May Ladner Fellowship from the Faculty of Medicine!
Find out more about Janna’s award-winning research below and join us in congratulating Janna on her stellar achievement!
Tell us a little bit about your lab! What type of research are you conducting?
I work in the CEDAR Brain Injury Lab in G.F. Strong run by Dr. Julia Schmidt. Our lab engages those with brain injury, community organizations, and clinicians to better understand and support the experience of after brain injury. My current work explores the impact of peer-support on traumatic brain injury outcomes.
What award did you win, and how will this help your research?
I received a scholar award Dorothy May Ladner Fellowship as part of the 2022 Faculty of Medicine Graduate Student Award competition.
What do you like to do outside of academia?
Outside of academia I enjoy conquering my large to-read list and on the rare nice Vancouver day, I like to hike, bike, ski, or surf.