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Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships

The Mackenzie King Open Scholarship is open to graduates of any Canadian university who engage in (commence or continue) graduate study (master’s or doctoral) in any field, in Canada or elsewhere. One Open Scholarship is awarded annually. The value has lately been $12,000 but is subject to change.  Eligible applicants must be a graduate (holder of a degree) of a Canadian university […]

November Student of the Month: Wendy Hartford

November Student of the Month: Wendy Hartford

Name: Wendy Hartford Program: PhD Supervisor: Dr. Laura Nimmon Tell us a little bit about your lab! I work in my PhD supervisor’s Dr. Laura Nimmon’s lab.  Dr. Nimmon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, and Scientist at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES). It is a […]

November Alumni of the Month: Shie Rinat

November Alumni of the Month: Shie Rinat

Name: Shie Rinat Program: Master’s of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (MSc) Graduated: 2019 Dissertation: Functional Connectivity in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: An Exploratory Study How would you describe your research project in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program? During my MSc studies I investigated functional connectivity of children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) using resting-state […]