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October Student of the Month: Natasha Damiano

October Student of the Month: Natasha Damiano

Program: Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD) Supervisor: Dr. Suzanne Huot Tell us a little bit about your lab! Our ‘lab’ is not a physical space, but a group of like-minded students interested in Occupational Science and the social and contextual dimensions of health and wellbeing. Our shared Supervisor and mentor is Dr. Suzanne […]

October Alumni of the Month: Ryan Falck

October Alumni of the Month: Ryan Falck

Name: Ryan Falk Program: Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD) Dissertation: Chasing Time: The Specific Impacts and Dynamic Relationships of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep on Older Adults’ Cognitive Health Graduated: Spring 2020 How would you describe your research project in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program? My PhD thesis examined how physical activity, […]

PhD Candidate Bev Larssen Awarded the 2021 KKG Foundation of Canada Scholarship

PhD Candidate Bev Larssen Awarded the 2021 KKG Foundation of Canada Scholarship

Congratulations to Bev Larssen, a student in the combined MPT/PhD program, for being the recipient of the 2021 KKG Foundation of Canada Scholarship. As a recipient of this award, Bev has made significant contributions in rehabilitation therapy for stroke survivors. Bev’s research investigates the mechanisms and neuroanatomy that support motor learning/re-learning during physical rehabilitation using […]