2024 BC Graduate Scholarship Recipient – Jasleen Grewal

Meet this year’s BC Graduate Scholarship Recipient: Jasleen Grewal

The province of British Columbia has funded graduate scholarships in any field of study, with emphasis on research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, and support for Indigenous students. The scholarships of $17,500 is awarded by graduate programs and disciplinary Faculties. Jasleen Grewal was selected by the Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation Sciences to receive the BC Graduate Scholarship for 2024. Congratulations, Jasleen!

Tell us a little bit about your lab! What type of research are you conducting?

I am part of the CEDAR (Collaborative Evidence: Developing Awareness and Research for Brain Injury) Lab based at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre and supervised by Dr. Julia Schmidt. Our lab collaborates with people with brain injuries, community associations, healthcare providers, and policymakers to understand the experience of people with brain injury and develop and implement programs to support meaningful participation after brain injury.

How does winning the BC Graduate Scholarship help your research?

The BC Graduate Scholarship will support me while I am finishing up my doctoral work. This award will allow me to focus resources on understanding the feasibility of virtual reality to improve activities of daily living after brain injury.

What do you like to do outside of academia?

Outside of academia, I like to spend time with my family, friends and puppy. I also enjoy reading and spending time in nature.

One response to “2024 BC Graduate Scholarship Recipient – Jasleen Grewal”

  1. Bhawan Brar

    Congrats, Jasleen!