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PhD Student Justin Turner Recieves Doctoral Personnel Award for Indigenous Scholars

PhD Student Justin Turner Recieves Doctoral Personnel Award for Indigenous Scholars

Join us in congratulating RHSC PhD Student Justin Turner on receiving a Doctoral Personnel Award for Indigenous Scholars! The Heart & Stroke Foundation Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars Competition provides funding opportunities for Indigenous Master’s and Doctoral students who are pursuing studies in an area specific to heart or brain health. These awards aim to […]

Janna Griffioen and her community partner receive Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) funding

Janna Griffioen and her community partner receive Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) funding

Congrats to PhD student Janna and her community partner, Kix Citton, receiving CUES funding for their project “Providing a BC-Wide Community-based Peer-support Program for People with Brain Injury”. CUES funding supports community-university partnerships which are aimed at benefiting communities and advancing collaborative research, teaching and learning. Read the full article here.