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July Student of the Month: Heather Worthington

July Student of the Month: Heather Worthington

Name: Heather Worthington Program: MPT/PhD Supervisor: Dr. Linda Li Tell us a little bit about your lab!  I work in the Arthritis & Knowledge Translation Research Program, led by Dr. Linda Li. Our team conducts research that aims to improve the health of people with arthritis by improving shared decision making between people with arthritis […]

July Alumni of the Month: Rachal Pattison

July Alumni of the Month: Rachal Pattison

Name: Rachal Pattison Program: Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (MSc) Graduated: 2020 Thesis: “Examining mental health disparities among transgender and/or gender nonconforming young people: a mixed methods approach” How would you describe your research in the UBC Rehabilitation Sciences program? I studied under the supervision of Dr. Skye Barbic, and my committee members Dr. […]

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) program is designed to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, and health-related fields. Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and international students […]